Newsletter List
December 2023
December 1- World AIDS Day
December 7- Hanukkah Begins
December 7- Last Day Rent is Due
December 12- Annual Santa Visits
December 15- Hanukkah Ends
December 21- First Day of Winter
December 24- Christmas Eve
December 25- Christmas Day OFFICE CLOSED
December 26- OFFICE CLOSED
December 31- New Year's Eve
December 2022
December 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
December 12th- Annual Santa Visits
December 18th- Hannukah Begins
December 21st- First Day of Winter
December 23rd- WHA Office Closed
December 24th- Christmas Eve
December 25th- Christmas Day
December 26th- Hannukah Ends
December 26th- WHA Office Closed
December 30th- WHA Office Closed 1/2 Day
December 31st- New Year's Eve
December 2020 Newsletter

December 2019
DEC 6 - Last Day Rent is Due
DEC 11 - GISH Holiday Party
DEC 13 - Hanratta Holiday Party
DEC 16 - Santa Visits
DEC 17 - Holiday Decorating Contest
DEC 19 - Quinn Holiday Party
DEC 24 - Christmas Eve (office closed 1/2 day)
DEC 22-30 - Hanukkah
DEC 25 - Christmas Day (office closed)
DEC 26 - Kwanzaa
DEC 31 - New Year's Eve (office closed 1/2 day)
JAN 1 - New Year's Day (office closed)
December Newsletter 2018
Last Day Rent is Due - DECEMBER 7
Annual Santa Visits - DECEMBER 17
Office is closed 1/2 day - DECEMBER 24
Office is closed - DECEMBER 25
Office is closed 1/2 day - DECEMBER 31
Office is closed - JANUARY 1
December Newsletter
Rent is due by Friday, December 8th.
A late fee will be processed to your account for
any rent payment after the fifth business day.
The office will be closed Monday, December
25th for Christmas Day.
The office will be closed Monday, January 1st
for New Year’s Day.
November 2023
November 5th- Daylight Savings Time
November 7th- Election Day
November 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
November 10th- Office Closed for Veterans Day
November 11th- Veterans Day
November 13- Last Day for Santa Applications
November 15th- Hanratta Inspections (Apartments 100-219)
November 16th- Hanratta Inspections (Apartments 301-319)
November 17th- Hanratta Inspections (Apartments 401-419)
November 23rd- Thanksgiving... Office Closed
November 24th- Office Closed
November 2022
November 6th- Daylight Savings Ends
November 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
November 11th- Veterans Day (WHA OFFICE CLOSED)
November 14th- Last Day for Santa Applications
November 16th- Hanratta Inspections (Apartments 100-219)
November 17th- Hanratta Inspections (Apartments 301-319)
November 18th- Hanratta Inspections (Apartments 401-419)
November 24th- Thanksgiving (OFFICE CLOSED)
November 25th- (OFFICE CLOSED)
November 28th- WHA Board Meeting
November 2021 Newsletter
The last day rent is due is November 5th.
The WHA Office will be closed Wednesday, November 10th in observance of Veterans Day.
Santa applications are due November 15th.
Hanratta Inspections are November 17th- 19th.
The WHA Office will be closed Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th for Thanksgiving.
This month's Board Meeting will be Monday, November 29th.
November Newsletter

November Newsletter 2018
Last Day Rent is Due - NOVEMBER 7
Office Closed (Veterans Day) - NOVEMBER 12
Hanratta Inspections (100-219) - NOVEMBER 14-16
Office Closed (Thanksgiving) - NOVEMBER 22-23
Important Policies (Pg. 4)
Meet Our New Maintenance Worker (Pg. 4)
Santa Visit Application (Pg. 5)
November Newsletter
Rent is due by Monday, November 7th. Payments after this date will have a late charge of $5 and an additional $1 every day late after the 5th business day.
Hanratta Inspections will be conducted on
the following dates:
100-219 November 14
301-319 November 15
401-419 November 16
October 2023
October 6th- Last Day Rent is Due
October 9th- Office Closed for Columbus Day
October 11th- Quinn Inspections (Apartments 101-120)
October 12th- Quinn Inspections (Apartments 121-140)
October 13th- Quinn Inspections (Apartments 141-160)
October 31st- Halloween!
October 2022
October 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
October 10th- Office Closed for Columbus Day
October 12th- Quinn Inspections (Apartments 101-120)
October 13th- Quinn Inspections (Apartments 121-140)
October 14th- Quinn Inspections (Apartments 141-160)
October 2020 Newsletter
October 12th
Office Closed- Columbus Day
October 14th-16th
Daniel P. Quinn Annual Inspections
October 21st-22nd
Abram Hilton Annual Inspections
October 26th
WHA Board Meeting
October 31st
October 2019 Newsletter
October 1 - WES PTA Meeting
October 3 - City Council Meeting
October 7 - Last Day Rent is Due
October 10 - Board of Education Meeting
October 14 - Columbus Day (Office Closed)
October 15 - Quinn Inspections
(Apartments 101-120)
October 16 - Quinn Inspections
(Apartments 101-120)
October 17 - Quinn Inspections
(Apartments 101-120)
October 17 - City Council Meeting
October 28 - WHA Board Meeting
October 2018 Newsletter
Last Day Rent is Due - October 5
Office Closed (Columbus Day) - October 8
Daniel P. Quinn Inspections - October 17-19
Santa Visit Application (Page 5)
October Newsletter
1. Rent is due Friday, October 6th
2. Office is closed for Columbus Day, October 9th.
3. Quinn Inspections will take place October 17 - October 19.
4. Equinox Thanksgiving Dinner will be delivered next month to any interested seniors - call the office for information.
5. Fall Bulk Week will take place the week of October 16th.
6. Slips for a Christmas Visit from Santa must be returned to the WHA Office by Friday, November 17th.
7. Coats for the Community will be distributing coats on October 21st and 22nd at the Cohoes Senior Center.
Happy Retirement to our Executive Secretary, Mary Spychalski!
Happy Halloween everyone!
September 2023
September 4th- Office Closed for Labor Day
September 8th- Last Day Rent is Due
September 12th- Day Inspections (Apts. 1-20)
September 13th- Day Inspections (Apts. 21-40)
September 14th- Day Inspections (Apts. 41-66)
September 15th- Day Inspections (Apts. 67-90)
September 15th- Rosh Hashana Begins
September 17th- Rosh Hashana Ends
September 23rd- First Day of Fall
September 24th- Yom Kippur
September 2022
September 5th- Office closed for Labor Day
September 8th- Last day rent is due
September 13th- Michael J. Day Inspections (Apts. 1-20)
September 14th- Michael J. Day Inspections (Apts. 21-40)
September 15th- Michael J. Day Inspections (Apts. 41-66)
September 16th- Michael J. Day Inspections (Apts. 67-90)
September 22nd- First Day of Fall
September 26th- WHA Board Meeting
September 2021 Newsletter

September 2020 Newsletter
Monday, September 7- Labor Day: Office Closed
Tuesday, September 15- Friday, September 18: MJD Inspections
Sunday, September 20: Yom Kippur
September 2020 Newsletter
Monday, September 7- Labor Day: Office Closed
Tuesday, September 15- Friday, September 18: MJD Inspections
Sunday, September 20: Yom Kippur
September 2018
The WHA Office will be closed Monday, September 3rd for Labor Day. Rent is due on September 10th. Any payments afterwards will include a $5 late charge and will increase $1 each day going forward. Tenants in VRV and GISH will receive a late fee of $20 after the fifth business day. Michael J. Day Inspections will be September 18th- 21st. All air conditioners must be removed from windows by October 1st.
September Newsletter
1. Office is closed Monday, September 4th
2. Rent is due Friday, September 8th
3. Day Inspections will take place September 19 - September 22.
4. Hanratta Apartments Flu Clinic will be Thursday, September 28th.
5. Important information regarding Renter's Insurance, Garbage Pick-Up, and Tips in Pages 1-11.
6. The Arsenal City Run will be Sunday, September 24th.
August 2023 Newsletter
August 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
August 16th- Joslin Inspections (Apartments 501-518)
August 17th- Joslin Inspections (Apartments 519-540)
August 16th- Joslin Inspections (Apartments 541-558)
August 2022

August 2021 Newsletter

August 2020 Newsletter

August 2019 Newsletter
In this month's newsletter:
August 1: VRV REAC Inspections
August 7: Last Day Rent is Due
August 13-15: Edwin Joslin Inspections
August 30: Free Lunch Box Event
New Late Fee Policy (pg. 3)
August 2018 Newsletter
The last day rent is due is Aust 7th. Any payments afterwards will include a $5 late charge and will increase $1 each day going forward. Tenants in VRV and GISH will receive a late fee of $20 after the fifth business day. Joslin Inspections will be from August 14th-16th. Apartments are inspected for cleanliness,
repairs that may be needed, and also for any possible improvements. If you have
any questions or problems, they can be discussed during the inspection. We need
access to ALL of your windows. Please make sure ALL items are removed from the window area. Please remove ALL items off
the top of your stove or on the burners. Call in any work orders before the inspection.
August Newsletter
1. Last Day Rent is due is Monday, August 7th
2. Joslin Inspections will be August 15-17
3. Summer Lunch Program Information on Pg. 4
4. Congratulations to our 2017 Beautification Contest Winners. Thank you to all of the tenants that participated!
5. Looking for Back-to-School tips or fun Fall activities? Check out pages 10-11!
6. Important information about the Watervliet Housing Conversion to RAD is on Pg. 12
July 2024
July 4th- Independence Day (Office Closed)
July 8th- Last Day Rent is Due
July 10th- Michael J. Day NSPIRE Pre-Inspections (Apartments 1-46)
July 11th- Michael J. Day NSPIRE Pre-Inspections (Apartments 47-90)
July 31st- Edwin Joslin Inspections (Apartments 501-518)
July 2022
The WHA Office will be closed on July 4th in observance of Independence Day.
July 7th- Last day to pay rent before being billed a late fee.
July 25th- Monthly Board Meeting.
July 2021 Newsletter

July 2020 Newsletter
Green Island Senior Housing Inspections - 7/14
Hilton Inspections - 7/15-16
WHA Board Meeting - 7/27
July 2019 Newsletter
Independence Day (Office Closed) - July 4
Last Day Rent is Due - July 8
Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin'-By World - pg. 1
Little Free Library - pg. 1
Laptops for Seniors - pg. 5
Stan the Produce Van - pg. 6
July 2018 Newsletter
The WHA Administrative Office will be closed July 4th in observation of Independence Day. The WCSD Summer Lunch Program begins in the WHA Meeting Room on July 5th. The last day rent is due is July 10th. Any payments afterwards will include a $5 late charge and will increase $1 each day going forward. Tenants in VRV and GISH will receive a late fee of $20 after the fifth business day. Congratulations to the WHS Class of 2018!
July Newsletter
1. Rent is due Friday, July 10th
2. The Nassau Band will be at Quinn Community Room on July 6th and Hanratta Community Room on July 20th.
3. The Summer Lunch Program at the Joslin Community Room starts July 5th!
4. All tenants: Be sure to report ALL income changes! Failure to do so can result in an eviction process.
5. 2nd Annual Kids Night Out will be on July 6th from 6-8 PM in front of the WHA Office
6. The Complimentary Brunch at Quinn Apartments has been changed to Wednesday, July 19th
June 2024
June 7th- Last Day Rent is due
June 14th- Flag Day
June 16th- Father's Day
June 17th- Laptops for Graduating Seniors Program Ceremony
June 19th- Juneteenth (Office Closed)
June 20th- First Day of Summer
June 2023 Newsletter
June 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
June 14th- Flag Day
June 18th- Father's Day
June 19th- Juneteenth (Office Closed)
June 20th- Laptops for Graduating Seniors Ceremony
June 21st- First Day of Summer
June 26th- Monthly Board Meeting
June 2022 Newsletter
June 7th: Last Day Rent is Due
June 14th: Flag Day
June 19th: Juneteenth
June 19th: Father's Day
June 20th: Laptops for Graduating Seniors Ceremony
June 21st: First Day of Summer
June 27th: Monthly Board Meeting
June 2021 Newsletter

June 2020 Newsletter
Watervliet COVID-19 resources available on page 4
June 2019 Newsletter
Last Day Rent is Due JUNE 7
Laptops for Graduating Seniors Application Due (See pg 4) JUNE 14
Quinn Tenant Meeting JUNE 17
Laptops for Graduating Seniors & Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin-By World Ceremony JUNE 20
June 2018 Newsletter
The Annual Citywide Garage Sale will be held from June 1st through 3rd. The last day rent is due in June 7th. Any payments afterwards will include a $5 late charge and will increase $1 each day going forward. Tenants in VRV and GISH will receive a late fee of $20 after the fifth business day. The Watervliet Elks Lodge will be holding their Annual Flag Day Ceremony on Sunday, June 10th at 1:00 PM. Our Annual Laptops for Seniors Program will be held on June 25th.
May 2024
May 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
May 8th- Hilton Inspections (Apartments 1-15)
May 9th- Hilton Inspections (Apartments 16-30)
May 12th- Happy Mother's Day!
May 27th- Memorial Day (Office Closed)
May 2023
May 5th- Last Day Rent is Due
May 10th- Hilton Inspections (Apartments 1-15)
May 11th- Hilton Inspections (Apartments 16-30)
May 14th- Mother's Day
May 22nd- WHA Board Meeting
May 29th- Memorial Day (WHA Office Closed)
May 2022 Newsletter
The last day rent is due is Friday, May 6th.
Hilton Inspections will be Wednesday May 11th and Thursday May 12th.
The WHA Office will be closed for Memorial Day on May 30th.
May 2021 Newsletter

May 2020

May 2019 Newsletter
First Day Rent is Due - May 1
First Day of Bulk Week - May 6 (See page 6)
Last Day Rent is Due - May 7
Mother’s Day - May 12
Hilton Inspections - May 15-16
Memorial Day (Office Closed) - May 27
May 2018 Newsletter
The last Rent is due Monday, May 7th. Any payments afterwards will include a $5 late charge and will increase $1 each day going forward. Tenants in VRV and GISH will receive a late fee of $20 after the fifth business day. Hilton Inspections will be May 16th for apartments 1-15, and May 17th for apartments 16-30. Please be sure to move everything away from your windows so we can check them easily.
April 2024
April 1st- April Fool's Day!
April 5th- Last Day Rent is Due
April 15th- Income Tax Day
April 22nd- Earth Day
April 26th- GISH Inspections
April 2023
April 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
April 7th- Good Friday
April 9th- Easter Sunday
April 15th- Income Tax Day
April 21st- GISH Inspections
April 22nd- Earth Day
April 24th- WHA Board Meeting
April 2022
Last Day Rent is due is Thursday, April 7th.
Income Tax Day is Friday, April 15th.
Easter Sunday is April 17th.
GISH Inspections are Friday, April 22nd.
April 2021 Newsletter

April 2020 Newsletter
Please be advised that events in this month's newsletter are subject to change due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The WHA Administrative Office remains closed to the public. Please refer to the newsletter for office staff contact information.
April Newsletter 2019
Last Day Rent is Due - April 8th
Income Tax Day - April 17th
Good Friday - April 19th
(Office Closed- half day)
Easter Sunday - April 21st
Earth Day - April 22nd
Senior Health Forum - April 23rd (See Page 4)
GISH Inspections - April 26th
April 2018 Newsletter
Rent is due Friday, April 6th. Any payments afterwards will include a $5 late charge and will increase $1 each day going forward. Tenants in VRV and GISH will receive a late fee of $20 after the fifth business day. GISH Inspections will be Friday, April 27th for all 13 units. Please be sure to move everything away from windows and off of the stove so that we have access.
March 2024
March 5th: VRV Inspections Buildings 1-4
March 6th: VRV Inspections Buildings 5-8
March 7th: VRV Inspections Buildings 9-12
March 7th: Last Day Rent is Due
March 8th: VRV Inspections Buildings 13-17
March 10th: Daylight Savings Begins
March 17th: St. Patrick's Day
March 20th: First Day of Spring
March 29th: Good Friday
March 31st: Easter Sunday
March 2023
March 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
March 7th- VRV Inspections (Buildings 1-4)
March 8th- VRV Inspections (Buildings 5-8)
March 9th- VRV Inspections (Buildings 9-12)
March 10th- VRV Inspections (Buildings 13-17)
March 12th- Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 17th- St. Patrick's Day
March 20th- First Day of Spring
March 27th- WHA Board Meeting
March 2022
The last day rent is due is March 7th.
VRV Annual Inspections are March 8th through the 11th.
March 2021 Newsletter

March 2020 Newsletter
This Month at the WHA:
March 4 - HUD REAC Inspections
March 6 - Last Day Rent is Due
March 10 - VRV Inspections Buildings 1-4
March 11 - VRV Inspections Buildings 5-8
March 12 - VRV Inspections Buildings 9-12
March 13 - VRV Inspections Buildings 13-17
March 30 - WHA Board Meeting
March Newsletter 2019
In this month's newsletter:
Reminder: VRV Inspections are March 12th-15th.
See page 1 to check the complete schedule.
Your Questions Answered... pg. 5
Community Events... pg. 6-7
March 2018 Newsletter
Rent is due by Wednesday, March 7th. A late fee will be processed to your account for any rent payment after the fifth business day. Van Rensselaer Village Inspections will be March 13th through the 16th. The office will be closed for a half day on Friday, March 30th for Good Friday.
February 2024
February 2nd- Groundhog Day
February 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
February 14th- Valentine's Day
February 19th- President's Day OFFICE CLOSED
February 2023
February 2nd- Groundhog Day
February 7th- Last Day Rent is Due
February 14th- Valentine's Day
February 20th- President's Day- OFFICE CLOSED
February 27th- WHA Board Meeting
February 2022
The last day rent is due is February 7th.
The WHA Office will be closed on February 21st for President's Day.
February 2020 Newsletter
FEB 2: Groundhog Day
FEB 3: Library Card Registration Event
FEB 7: Last Day Rent is Due
FEB 17: President's Day (office closed)
FEB 24: WHA Board Meeting
Text alerts now available!
February Newsletter 2019
Last day rent is due - February 7
Office Closed (President’s Day) -February 18
Be sure to return your personal information postcards to the WHA office.
Information for the Getting Ahead in a Just Getting By World Program (pg 5)
Important Community Events (pg. 6)
February 2018 Newsletter
Rent is due by Wednesday, February 7th. A late fee will be processed to your account for any rent payment after the fifth business day. The office will be closed Monday, February 19th for Presidents Day.
January 2023 Newsletter
January 1st- New Year's Day
January 2nd- Office Closed
January 9th- Last Day Rent is Due
January 16th- Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Office Closed
January 30th- WHA Board Meeting
January 2022
The WHA Office will be closed on Monday, January 3rd for New Year's Day.
The last day rent is due is Friday, January 7th.
The WHA Office will be closed Monday, January 17th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
January 2021 Newsletter

WHA Office Closed
The WHA Administrative Office will be closed to all non-employees until further notice. Any paperwork, applications, payments, or physical documents can be dropped through the mail slot 24/7. All communication will be held via phone and email. The emergency line is still available after hours for maintenance emergencies at 518-273-6085
January 2020 Newsletter
January 8 Last Day Rent is Due
January 20th MLK Day Office Closed
January 27th WHA Board Meeting
January Newsletter 2019
Office is Closed - January 1
Last day rent is due - January 8
Bridges Out of Poverty Graduation - January 9
Office is Closed (MLK Jr Day) - January 21
Check out photos from this year's Santa Visits on page 5. Don't forget to pick up your calendars if you do not receive one by February 1st.