About Us

The Watervliet Housing Authority provides homes for low-income Watervliet families. Created in 1959, at the request of Mayor Hugh Donnelly, the Authority has expanded its scope of tenant services far beyond housing to include job skills training, in-home education programs and youth programs.

Families who meet income requirements are selected in accordance with the Watervliet Housing Authority Occupancy Policy and Housing Act of 1939. There is no discrimination against people of any race, sex, color, or religion, and rent is partially subsidized by the federal government.

The WHA Office and staff operates under the guidance of the Executive Director. WHA properties are handicapped accessible, including hearing-impaired smoke detectors and many other accommodations. The office is open for business 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.

The WHA manages 306 apartments owned by the Watervliet Housing Authority and in addition manage 81 units at Van Rensselaer Village and 13 tax credit senior units in Green Island. Five Commissioners appointed by the City Council and two tenant elected representatives serve as the governing body of the Authority.

From 1991 to the present, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) started the Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP). Since then, the WHA has consistently earned the titles of “Good Performers” and “Outstanding Performers”, a rating the WHA is very proud to have.